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  1. #1
    Nowy klubowicz
    20 wrzesień 2013
    Stilo 1,6 16v

    Presentation, exposure of my problem (MIL/ECU)


    My name is Loïc and I'm french. I need to solve a problem with my Fiat Stilo 1,6 16v (2001). I want to change the ECU engine but the MIL is on all the time.
    I can connect to the new ECU (Multiecuscan)and my car is running ok with no fault. The problem (I think) is the difference between odometer of the ECU engine (0 km) and the dashboard or body computer (137900 km).

    If someone has an idea ...

    I read on several forum solutions with MPPS, WinOLS, .... but i'm not sure if is the best way.
    I had the idea to read the map in the old ECU and save. read the map in the new ECU and save. write the map of the old ECU in the new ECU.
    Is it a good idea ?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

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  3. #2
    28 grudzień 2007
    Oleśnica (wlkp)
    Fiat Tempra 1.6

    You should have a two positions called "Hodometer" in FES(FiatEcuScan) or MES(MultiEcuScan). Both positions has a value 0?

    Cytat Napisał miedev Zobacz post
    I had the idea to read the map in the old ECU and save. read the map in the new ECU and save. write the map of the old ECU in the new ECU.
    Basically you want to change the MIL value? As I know there is no easy way to change MIL on ECU. There are free programs, but list of supported ECU/Cars are limited or programs like Fiat-Renault Tool when You need to pay.
    Fiat Tempra 1.6l 8V, gaźnik, LPG, 500 tys. km przebiegu

    Audi A8L D4 3.0l TFSI V6 kompresor, Quattro, 8HP tiptronic - na podróże
    Audi A8L D3 4.2l V8, Quattro, 6HP tiptronic - odjechała do lepszego świata
    Audi A6 2.8l V6, FWD, CVT mulitronic - do pracy
    Peugeot 206 2.0 HDI - na dojazdy
    Była służbowa: Toyota Auris II TS, 1.6l Valvematic @ 132KM

  4. #3
    Nowy klubowicz
    20 wrzesień 2013
    Stilo 1,6 16v


    Cytat Napisał miszko Zobacz post

    You should have a two positions called "Hodometer" in FES(FiatEcuScan) or MES(MultiEcuScan). Both positions has a value 0?

    Basically you want to change the MIL value? As I know there is no easy way to change MIL on ECU. There are free programs, but list of supported ECU/Cars are limited or programs like Fiat-Renault Tool when You need to pay.
    Thank you for your answer.

    There is 3 places where Multiecuscan shows the odometer.
    1 - ECU engine -> 0 km for the new. there is no adjustment in this ECU.
    2 - ECU dashboard -> 137900 km. You can adjust the odometer but only increase.
    3 - Service Interval Reset -> 137900 km. you can adjust the odometer but (same way) only increase.

    When I start the engine, the car is running ok but i have the flashing MIL light all the time.
    I saw some programs like Fiat KM tool, but I understood it changes the odometer of the dashboard ( I wouldn't decrease to 0 km).
    unfortunatly, it doesn't run on my computer (win 7 64bits).
    I saw X-tool and kess V2 but to much expensive.
    I think about MPPS program to save the map in the new ECU engine and change the odometer with Winols program, if it is possible, or, only write the map of the old ECU engine in the new ECU engine with MPPS program.

    I don't find someone who had this problem.

  5. #4
    28 grudzień 2007
    Oleśnica (wlkp)
    Fiat Tempra 1.6
    Cytat Napisał miedev Zobacz post
    When I start the engine, the car is running ok but i have the flashing MIL light all the time.
    Flashing MIL light is because there is difference between milage saved in ECU and dash board. MPPS is a only solution when You have to save/read ECU to/from file. You need has a special editor to correct the value in readed file and You need to now how do this. This is dangerous and if fail (ex. unexpected communication failure when writing) yours ECU will be dead. In my theory there is no free solution to made this done. WinOLS is the software to modify map in ECU. I don't know that this program can correct banks where mileage are saved.
    Fiat Tempra 1.6l 8V, gaźnik, LPG, 500 tys. km przebiegu

    Audi A8L D4 3.0l TFSI V6 kompresor, Quattro, 8HP tiptronic - na podróże
    Audi A8L D3 4.2l V8, Quattro, 6HP tiptronic - odjechała do lepszego świata
    Audi A6 2.8l V6, FWD, CVT mulitronic - do pracy
    Peugeot 206 2.0 HDI - na dojazdy
    Była służbowa: Toyota Auris II TS, 1.6l Valvematic @ 132KM

  6. #5
    Nowy klubowicz
    20 wrzesień 2013
    Stilo 1,6 16v
    Hello everyone,

    Thank you for your answers, but I found the solution. The problem was not the mileage. The problem was that the new ECU was not calibrated for my ignition. I had a misfire. I got the program from the old ECU with MPPS and I loaded into the new. After that, I executed the procedure "Phonic wheel learning" which is to let the engine warm up to operating temperature (80/90 deg.C) and then accelerate to 5000/6000 rpm 3 times . After that my alarm has disappeared and the car runs perfectly.
    The mileage was not a problem because the most important is the counter. In addition, kilometers in engine ECU are apparently <3% over the counter.


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