Zobacz pełną wersję : LPG Fiat Palio Weekend

22-02-2016, 19:51
I want to put lpg on my Fiat Palio Weekend 1,2 , 8 valve , year 2000 . What kind of kit lpg you recommend for my car , normal or sequential ? I prefer normal because it is cheaper. Lpg normal (cheaper) is more dangerous than sequential ? What do you have installed on your Fiat Palio 1,2 ?

22-02-2016, 22:36
I have normal kit and almost everything is alright, maybe car is a little slower, but I don't need gasoline. Fuel Consumption between 7 - 9 LPG.

23-02-2016, 12:20
7-9 LPG mixt (city+outside city) consumption ?

23-02-2016, 19:44
9 litres on a short distance in winter.
7 l. long distance outside the city
only in the city - I don't know cause I live in village.

24-02-2016, 04:40
I have sesequential one in my car, and also any problems. Consumption in city up to 11 litres

24-02-2016, 08:42
It s ok. Price normal kit 222-266 e and 45e registration . Sequential 445-490e and 45 registration.Tank gpl change after 10 years .Technical inspection for lpg every year and for gasoline every two years . The gasoline min 1,05 e.

21-03-2016, 20:03
I have a few days a kit lpg normal. A question : in lpg mode , how is gasoline cut to your Palio ? My car, gasoline is cut by disconnecting electric injectors . Connecting the circuit is now by a relay Is that correct? Please give me a link in this forum about changes in electrical circuits for Palio Weekend 1,2 mk1 for lpg .

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I have a few days a kit lpg normal. A question : in lpg mode , how is gasoline cut to your Palio ? My car, gasoline is cut by disconnecting electric injectors . Connecting the circuit is now by a relay .Is that correct? Please give me a link in this forum about changes in electrical circuits for Palio Weekend 1,2 mk1 for lpg .